The hybrid war on BRICS is failing, so the empire will invest more into attacking the USA’s own people

Every part of our class and geopolitical conflict is accelerating. It’s no coincidence that the U.S. empire is pursuing new war escalations in east Asia, and preparing massive repressive measures, at the same time that BRICS is about to hold a meeting which will bring pivotal developments in de-dollarization. The project to start a new big war, which includes the effort at crushing dissent, is a direct reaction to the emerging threats towards U.S. financial dominance. For we in the heart of the empire, the way to respond to these realities is by ensuring our anti-imperialist movement can keep functioning amid the state’s next assaults upon us. 

This means getting a sense of which connections are most important; establishing international ties is crucial, but building local ties is a matter of even more concern. The globe’s anti-imperialist forces can provide us with support from abroad, while the allies we gain in our own communities can save us during the most dire moments of peril. Meeting such prerequisites for the survival of our organizations is what can let us actually bring the anti-imperialist struggle forward; how we can contribute to the liberatory process that we see happening around the world. Recognizing multipolarity’s strategic significance to the class struggle is the first step; the next step is advancing the proletarian, anti-monopolist cause within our own country. 

There are so many hopeful things happening around the globe, and we can bring this wave of victories against the empire into our own society. But this requires recognizing how much of a threat the U.S. counterinsurgency poses, and making ourselves equipped to defeat this menace. As of now, we are vulnerable, however strong our allies abroad have become. And because of how much strength the worldwide anti-monopolist forces have gained, our ruling class is preparing to pivot towards a full war against the USA’s own people. This was always the end outcome of the U.S. imperialist project: the country’s government turning its tools for warfare against the people here. To understand exactly what this blowback is going to look like, we need to look at the nature of the conflict that multipolarity’s rise is accelerating; at where the battle lines are being drawn.

The hybrid war against BRICS is failing because monopoly finance capital, in its drive to dominate all corners of global markets, has provoked the globe’s smaller business elements into a revolt. It’s subjugated countries like Iran, China, and Russia in the past; so these countries have built economic ties with each other, gaining the market independence to let their own commerce and industrial centers thrive. Washington has reacted to this defiance by starting proxy wars and imposing sanctions, so these and many other countries have solidified into a full anti-imperialist bloc. The anti-monopolist forces within the United States, which include not just the workers but also the lower-level entrepreneurs, have the potential to join with this growing Eurasian economy. The thing preventing them from doing this is the monopolist dictatorship they live under. 

This dictatorship sees where history is headed, and out of fear it’s going on the offensive. The targets of its intensifying attacks are the proletarian movement, along with all the forces which oppose imperialism out of desire to help small capital. That’s why a crucial part of defeating the counterinsurgency is to build an anti-imperialist united front, akin to the one Mao built between China’s workers and China’s smaller bourgeois elements. It’s this kind of force that can subdue the monopolists, and that the monopolists therefore are preemptively working to suppress. 

That’s the context behind repressive measures like the Biden administration’s “Countering Domestic Terrorism” strategy, or like the massive “cop city” police training centers: our ruling class is in an intensifying battle with the forces, both domestic and global, which challenge monopoly capital. And the way it’s about to respond to the gains the BRICS economy has made is by expanding its warfare against the domestic threats towards empire.

The deep state aims to carry out its next warfare maneuvers by steering the anti-monopolist forces towards false paths, and then orchestrating agent provocateur activities that justify crackdowns. The intelligence centers have already compromised MAGA, a movement that many lower-level capitalists hope can defeat monopoly capital; the feds have presented Trump with a story about how Iran is plotting to assassinate him, and he’s promoted that narrative. This development, along with the Trump campaign’s embrace of alienating culture war rhetoric, has put MAGA in a worse position to defeat the Harris wing of the ruling class. 

The deep state officials, who are influencing the election through algorithmic manipulation, hope for Harris to “win” so that they can execute their preferred plan. This plan is to instigate violent protests against Harris from the Trump side, which will be accompanied by a parallel mobilization of the left. The feds seek to lure both MAGA supporters and leftists into these engineered confrontations, which the state will then use as an excuse for more repression.

That’s how the next several months will go if capital’s dominant elements get their way. They’re not getting what they want within the global arena, so their best hope is to eliminate dissent inside the United States, and thereby create the conditions for another large conflict. It’s now apparent that the desired location for this conflict is China, with the Harris wing hoping to wage proxy wars using both Taiwan and south Korea. The Trump wing differs only in that it wants diplomacy with the DPRK, and if the election gets successfully rigged for Harris, that will no longer be a possibility for the foreseeable future. Both wings want to escalate in Taiwan regardless, and the deep state forces which have captured Trump are going to keep using him as a platform for anti-China warmongering. Their goal is to boost the pro-imperialist aspects of MAGA, while using the anti-woke psyop to push out MAGA ideas which challenge the neocon agenda.

This is the plan for narratively managing the right. For the left, the plan is to cultivate imperialism-compatible forces that advance an adventurist agenda, potentially of an ultraviolent kind. As communists and anti-imperialists, we don’t depend on either MAGA or leftists in order to succeed. The important thing is that we win the people, and build for them an organizational force which can continue operating no matter how severe the repression becomes. 

On a worldwide scale, the balance of forces is shifting in our favor. The countries that oppose U.S. economic subjugation are strengthening their connections, while gaining ever more allies across Eurasia and the Global South. International developments like these ones have potential to influence the class struggle locally, and pull one’s own country in the same direction that others are going. So there’s a growing push within the United States to connect to the Eurasian economy, and receive all the benefits this would bring. The monopolists, and their deep state political police, are trying to get rid of the ones who advance this idea. They’re preparing massive new counterinsurgency measures that they hope will ensure the next wars go unchallenged. Should we respond to these measures with care and seriousness, we’ll become in place to overwhelm our enemies.


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