Washington is preparing a new series of color revolutions. Only a strengthened united front can thwart this scheme.

The only hope the imperialists have for saving their system is to spread enough destruction, chaos, and division that the will of the globe’s people gets negated. That the billions-strong effort to throw off monopoly financial dominance becomes too disrupted, and the super-rich can rule a burning planet. Numerically, the anti-imperialist has the advantage. Our enemy is getting ready for massive new attacks, though, and is going to take advantage of whatever weaknesses it can find in its opposition. The dominant wing of our ruling class, the one that favors Kamala Harris, is planning to orchestrate a new series of color revolutions in order to destroy the BRICS countries. So we need to turn our anti-imperialist united front into something thoroughly fortified; something that can remain strong amid whatever attacks the enemy throws at it, and that can therefore be relied on to rally the masses.

The situation in today’s Serbia is an example of how a reliable counter-hegemonic force can provide hope for defeating imperialism’s designs. As of now, Serbia is controlled by a comprador regime, a synthetic government that Washington installed in a 2000 color revolution. It’s fulfilling its assigned role by continuing on the “European path,” as exemplified by its rejection of Russia’s invite to the next BRICS meeting. This way of operating goes against the sentiments of the great majority of the country’s people. 80% of Serbs are against the “independence” of Kosovo; over two-thirds are against the sanctions on Russia, and view NATO as responsible for the Ukraine conflict; just 3% like the idea of Serbia joining NATO. 

Because they’ve been targeted by libelous CIA atrocity propaganda and NATO bombing campaigns, the Serbian people were preemptively ready to reject the Ukraine psyop. And as the workers in the imperialist countries are forced to pay for the proxy war against Russia, more people across the Euro-American sphere are gaining anti-imperialist consciousness. The hegemon intends to respond to this rise in mass awareness the same way it’s dealt with the Serbian people’s defiance: by keeping pro-imperialists in power by any means necessary. The anti-imperialist united front that Russia is part of, though, is prepared to partner with these global masses in combating the empire’s next schemes. Stephen Karganovic of Strategic Culture concludes that this is the rational posture for Russia to take in regard to pro-imperialist regimes like Serbia’s, which inevitably will fall to the forces of popular revolution:

There are two things that official Russia must now do. The first is to ground its policy in the sharp distinction between the Serbian people and those who in international forums fraudulently monopolise the right to make decisions and speak in their name…The second thing that the critical mass of Serbs expect from Russia is a more intense and demonstrative people to people and even more importantly at the present moment government to people engagement. Whatever one may think of Stalin, at the end of World War II he wisely noted that German regimes come and go, but what always remains is Germany for the Soviet Union to deal with. Russian policy in relation to Serbia should take its cue from that eminently based observation and henceforth treat only the Serbian people as Russia’s enduring political partner.

Across the globe, the anti-imperialist forces are following in this path of strengthening their resistance alliances. The World Anti-Imperialist Platform has observed how the world’s liberation movements are making their mutual connections more solid, and how this trend connects to the escalating third world war:

African people are wiping out the imperialist forces through their heroic anti-imperialist and liberation struggle…Moreover, they are advancing toward realizing their independence by discussing to establish a Confederation of Sahel States, and signing a mutual defense pact. The fact that the decisive struggle for realization of the African people’s sovereignty is taking place amid the situation of the Third World War is noteworthy…Additionally, the “axis of resistance,” which includes anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist armed struggle forces such as Iran, along with the 2 billion Muslim population and peoples in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, has formed an anti-imperialist front and united. The resistance war in the Sahel region is crucial for strengthening the anti-imperialist camp.

Communists like myself, who live in the United States, face a situation where anti-imperialist consciousness is rising but our movement doesn’t yet have a sufficient organizational structure. To contribute to this global wave of victories, we need to understand where our strengths are, and how we can take advantage of these strengths so the imperial state doesn’t crush us. 

At this moment, one of our cause’s biggest sources of strength is in the pro-Palestine student movement; it’s what’s been producing mass mobilizations that keep recurring, and building off of previous revolts. Another strength is in the element of the MAGA base that supports Trump’s goals for diplomacy with the DPRK; this is an element that’s also shown dislike for the war in Syria and for the proxy war against Russia, which further shows it has revolutionary potential. It’s necessary to reach these and all other parts of the population that in some way oppose the war machine; from libertarians with antiwar goals, to independents who’ve been alienated from our imperialist institutions, to Palestine supporters who’ve stopped voting Democrat. We need to recognize, though, that the imperial state is waging a powerful counterinsurgency; an effort at frustrating revolutionary progress that we need to know how to counter.

It’s because of how effective the imperial state’s psychological operations have been that we need to connect with the elements which are politically backward; which have internalized a false consciousness. Social media psyops have been targeting the MAGA base, turning many Americans with proto-consciousness towards fanatical anti-communism and ethnic bigotry. The deep state’s promotion of the far right is about increasing mass apathy, and exacerbating divisions, in anticipation of when the state carries out its next big attacks against dissent. That’s how our ruling class seeks to create the conditions for its planned war in east Asia, and for its destabilization efforts worldwide: neutralize the domestic forces that could challenge these operations.

On both a local and a global scale, the way to respond to these offensive maneuvers from the imperialists is by taking decisive action. By following in the example of Russia when it began the anti-fascist military operation, or Africa’s liberation movements when they won last year’s victories, or the Palestinian resistance when it struck the Zionist entity a year ago. For our purposes as anti-imperialists in the core, this effort at taking control of history means accelerating our projects to build cadres and networks. It means putting together community groups of trusted people who are prepared to defend themselves, and prepared to keep operating amid an underground organizing scenario. Our local connections are our most important connections; if we figure out this vital component of our work, we’ll best be in place to aid the global struggle.

If we work to win the masses faster, and to prepare our cadres faster, then we’ll have made the U.S. American front of the anti-imperialist struggle too difficult for the enemy to manage. Nobody can control how every front within the struggle goes, but everybody has a range of control, and we need to take advantage of ours.


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