Trump’s attempt to save the empire, the ongoing genocide, & the great test of our solidarity

At this stage, the biggest ideological threat to the anti-imperialist movement is the camp which pretends it’s a victory for the empire to go from woke to anti-woke. Woke imperialism used to be the main problem, but the psyop tactics changed when wokeness became an ineffective way of selling empire. At least since November 2024, anti-wokeness has been the primary narrative weapon. The ruling class is now orchestrating a psyop where it’s made to look like our imperialist deep state has been defeated, when in reality it’s being fortified. 

The promoters of this narrative come in many forms, from “America First” Twitter accounts to prominent MAGA figures like Roger Stone. What makes these voices effective is when they call out the pro-war, pro-degrowth schemes of our technocratic elites, then present Trump’s agenda as the answer to these schemes. This argument is an extremely powerful one, and it understandably holds appeal to many people; but for a real revolution to happen, we’ll need to expose it as a psyop.

This psyop’s goal is to neutralize the anti-imperialist movement by making this movement blind to the true nature of our situation. It’s foremost about obscuring the Palestinian genocide, which didn’t end when the ceasefire happened; instead, it was taken to a new stage. A stage where United Nations relief to the Palestinians is being progressively dismantled, the West Bank has become subjected to the same level of violence which Gaza has experienced, and the Trump White House has decided that Gazans must either leave or die. Because they won’t leave, the U.S. and “Israel” are determined to ensure Gaza gets depopulated through unlivable conditions; it’s an extermination plan that’s being sold as something good for Gaza’s people.

The ceasefire is still a victory, because it represents a success by the Palestinian resistance in overwhelming the “Israeli” Nazi state. The actions of Gaza’s armed coalition have accelerated Zionism’s internal collapse, and this collapse will go even further when “Israel” re-invades. Palestine’s victory is inevitable, there’s no longer any question about this. But should we in the United States fail our test of solidarity, and treat Palestine as a secondary issue, then that victory will come at the cost of hundreds of thousands more lost lives. Without a strong, sustainable pro-Palestine movement in the empire’s heart, the genocide’s perpetrators will be able to commit massacres without any constraint, and the survivors will be left with even less humanitarian aid.

That’s the most urgent reason why we must combat the “Trump is fighting the deep state” psyop: this psyop hides the fact that the extermination hasn’t stopped. The genocide is the biggest thing that discredits this pseudo-revolution; it’s the piece of context which reveals the Trump government’s true motives. The recent developments have brought the deep state’s defeat closer, like they’ve brought Zionism’s defeat closer; but we’ll only be able to win this fight on the basis of principled solidarity. It’s a good thing that Trump has stopped Zelensky from sabotaging peace talks; what we can’t ignore, though, is that this is part of a strategic shift towards other imperialist war efforts. Efforts that are being concentrated in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran, with the end objective of breaking up the Eurasian bloc. 

The ulterior motive behind what Trump has been doing is to place stress upon Russia through Syria; then pressure Russia into not helping China during any potential future war. Whether this plan will succeed is a different question; what we already know is that as part of the plan, the imperialists are trying to destroy Palestine, along with the nations that surround it.

If we fail to build a serious pro-Palestine movement, the empire’s collapse will still continue. But this process will involve a delay of proletarian victory, and a loss of millions more lives around the globe. The choice has always been socialism or barbarism, and to bring about socialism, we’ll have to put Palestine’s struggle at the center of our practice. Or else our enemies will succeed in proliferating the barbarism they’ve brought to Gaza, while Gaza’s people themselves experience another massive die-off. 

This outcome is absolutely not inevitable; should we fulfill our duties within the global class struggle, what comes next will be an unprecedented series of triumphs. Within our generation, there could be a new wave of workers revolutions; such an upheaval has potentially already begun, with Sri Lanka having gained a Marxist-Leninist government last year. We’ve also just seen several African countries triumph over neo-colonialism, and start off a continentwide trend of kicking out troops from the imperialist countries. Throughout the Global South, the revolutionary forces are gaining strength; now we must bring this proletarian momentum into the core.

This task will require waging a consistent struggle against the imperialist war machine, which is why in order to win the class war, we’ll have to be serious about combating the genocide. That’s the other big reason why we must not minimize Palestine’s importance: any effective workers movement is going to need to act in tandem with the Palestinian resistance. 

There can be no lack of cohesion between the two; on all matters relevant to the anti-Zionist struggle, we must align with the Palestinian forces. Hamas has not interpreted Trump’s call for Gazans to leave as anything other than an attack on the Palestinian people; it’s stated that Trump “will not succeed and will be confronted with a unified Palestinian, Arab and Islamic position that rejects all displacement plans. Our people in Gaza have stood firm in the face of bombardment and aggression and will remain steadfast on their land and thwart all forced displacement and relocation plots.” If the resistance takes Trump’s threat seriously, so must we.

The activist wing of wokeism would approve of Hamas’ statement, at least on a superficial level. But this wing cannot effectively fight for the Palestinians, nor for the USA’s own people. The forces that can take on a revolutionary role are the ones which tail after neither side of our ruling class, and reject the psyops from both the liberals and the Trump wing. The organized left acted subservient to the Democratic Party NGOs, and stayed confined to a niche element of student activists; because of this, it became irrelevant, and failed to sustain the pro-Palestine movement’s momentum. The “anti-establishment” camp that tails Trump is also confining itself in its own way. What this camp does is present a vulgarized version of anti-imperialism, one which lacks basis within class struggle; and when class struggle is absent from your practice, you won’t build a force that can actually defeat the deep state.

MAGA has a real working class base, which is what gives it an inherent advantage over the left. But the political actors who portray Trump as a genuine threat to monopoly capital are not presenting a program that’s capable of leading the workers to victory. The working masses can only win by overthrowing their capitalist dictatorship. And this is a task that can only be reached by building up organized labor, both within the unions and via independent worker orgs; as well as through principled solidarity with those targeted by imperialism.

Without emphasis on class struggle, or emphasis on solidarity, there is no revolutionary movement; at least not an authentic one. The left claimed to represent these goals, then failed, in large part because it views MAGA supporters as fascists. The communists who understand our task are building a force that welcomes all who are compatible with the class struggle, whatever their ideological orientation. By exposing the Trump White House’s genocidal agenda, we can combat the narratives that obscure the need for class struggle, and that enable this extermination to continue.


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