How the discourse psyop machine has turned “Land Back” into a weapon against anti-imperialism
Above: a display put on by NDN Collective, the Bezos-funded NGO To understand why and how the concept…
March 22, 2024
Biden’s massive geopolitical defeats, the elites’ desperate degrowth plan, & our rising anti-imperialist united front
We’ve gotten to a point in our class and geopolitical conflicts where our ruling class is increasingly turning…
March 21, 2024
U.S. hegemony is doomed, so domestic counter-gangs are what our ruling class is depending on
As time passes, and the liberal technocrats scramble to respond to their catastrophic Ukraine foreign policy failure, we’re…
March 17, 2024
A verified Twitch partner is calling for the murder of pro-Russian communists, and law enforcement is glad to look the other way
There are plenty of wild posts online, but this one warrants an analysis of its contents and an…
March 15, 2024
The main “left” orgs & the labor bureaucracy are blocking the rise of a mass workers force. We must end their organizing monopoly.
The proletarian struggle in the United States is facing the same obstacle that the Bolsheviks did: the capitalist…
March 14, 2024
Galloway’s victory has shown that anti-imperialists will win when we reject pan-leftism, & build a mass workers force
We who support the Palestinian people in their freedom struggle, and who seek to end the U.S. hegemony…
March 12, 2024
Police state tightens grip on the cities as elites fear the urban & rural masses uniting against them
The recent development in New York City, where the governor has sent troops to establish checkpoints in the…
March 10, 2024
A purge of dissent is imminent. But the state & its “Cop City” forces will fail if communists expand beyond the urban centers.
Above: police indiscriminately attacking Stop Copy City marchers with tear gas last year While our government works to…
March 7, 2024
PSL’s members are at risk of getting targeted over Palestine, and the org’s leadership is giving them a false sense of security
We’ve gotten to a point in the class struggle where the communists who’ve developed beyond the PSL’s analysis,…
March 5, 2024
Libertarians share communists’ opposition to the WEF, the war machine, & the intelligence agencies. Together we can defeat these forces.
At this moment, one of our most important tasks as Marxist-Leninists is to continue building the coalition against…
March 3, 2024