Imperial state’s latest attack on Rage Against the War Machine shows what threatens our ruling institutions
The reason why Rage Against the War Machine is still worth discussing, even though the original event of…
June 22, 2024
Why does liberal media promote anti-patriotic leftism? Because it’s a substitute for genuine class struggle
In The Ideological Struggle against Fascism, Dimitrov explained something that today’s U.S. Marxists urgently need to understand if…
June 20, 2024
Growth is what the war machine is keeping from us, and what will bring North American civilization to prosperity
The essence of the class conflict we’re seeing take place across the North American continent is one between…
June 18, 2024
Mass-based practice vs petty-bourgeois radicalism: knowing the difference so we can win the class war
Petty-bourgeois radicalism is a phenomenon much older than the version of it that exists in the modern United…
June 15, 2024
The anti-imperialist bloc has won, and the USA’s people are increasingly unified against the war machine
The progression towards our final victory over monopoly finance capital is speeding up. Washington’s challengers have thwarted the…
June 14, 2024
The primary fascist threat comes from the forces that have vilified Russia’s war on Ukrainian Nazism
The present stage of the global anti-fascist struggle, the one that mainly consists of Russia fighting fascist Ukraine,…
June 10, 2024
Trump winning the election will allow him to fail, & let communists replace MAGA with a real anti-imperialist mass effort
It’s so much likelier that Trump will win this year than it was in 2020 not just because…
June 8, 2024
North America’s socialist construction will depend on civilizational unity, not the “Land Back” dogmas that divide ethnicities
If we’re going to build socialism on the North American continent, we’ll need to take the civilizational question…
June 6, 2024
The anti-fascist effort that began in Ukraine is coming to the USA, & will end in the defeat of our ruling class
Graphic by the creator Gabo To find out who will be enemies and who will be allies in…
June 5, 2024
The Russiagate-esque conspiracy theory about LaRouche being behind every independent antiwar group
Within the online left, there’s come to be a widespread conspiracy narrative, one which says that every independent…
June 3, 2024