Latest Zionist & Ukrainian invasions are futile attempts to undo the anti-imperialist camp’s victory

The Zionist entity’s genocidal invasion of the West Bank, and the Kiev fascist regime’s campaign of atrocities against the Russian people, are both attempts to reverse the irrecoverable strategic losses which these regimes have suffered. The patterns of behavior among the two are strikingly similar, because this is what the forces of reaction always do when they find themselves cornered: flail in desperation, murdering as many innocents as they can. 

The “Israeli” settler state has made it clear that as it continues to be beaten by the Axis of Resistance, it’s going to retaliate by killing civilians; that’s what it did when it carried out massive war crimes against Rafah refugees, which was a covert response to Iran’s successful act of deterrence this April. The Banderites have shown they intend to resort to the same tactic, invading Russia despite this being a great strategic blunder. The supposed purpose of this has been to distract Russia’s forces, but it never had a practical chance of working, so all it did was give Kiev an opportunity to commit more crimes against defenseless Russians. Strategically, it only hurt Kiev. It’s obvious that this was also done as a reaction to defeat; Ukraine is deep into a military catastrophe that Russia has been able to inflict with care and deliberation. 

The evils that Washington’s proxies are perpetrating cannot undo the shift which has taken place in the global power balance. This transition has made inevitable the victory of the Palestinians, and of all others who the empire targets. As we see these fascists and colonialists spiral downward, it’s speeding up the globe’s evolution away from U.S. financial hegemony. The World Anti-Imperialist Platform’s June 2023 organ, written by Patelis Dimitrios, observed how the Palestinian liberation struggle connects to this trend:

The rapid displacement of the US dollar and the euro from the position and from their role of world money and international reserve currencies marks the enormous changes taking place in the world economic system: A mechanism that operates largely via the violent imposition through the world currency of a peculiar system of charging other countries, e.g., the cost of the US budget deficit, through the authoritarian (paper or digital) emission of currency, i.e., by imposing a kind of peculiar “tribute tax” on peoples.

These changes are also linked to rapid political and diplomatic shifts. With the catalytic role played by, for example, by PRC and Russia, peace mediations and peace processes are taking place between countries with long-standing conflicts, methodically orchestrated by colonialism and imperialism, on the foundation of the principle of ‘divide and rule’, through bloody incitement to ethnic, racial, religious and cultural hate. This is what we are observing now with the peacemaking between Saudi Arabia and Iran (and therefore Yemen), with the recognition of the legitimate government of Syria and its reintegration into the Arab and Islamic community, with the rapprochement between Iraq and Iran, but also between India, Pakistan, and China, and so on. These all imply a rapid expulsion of the US from the region, reduction & cancellation of the position and role of the racist terrorist state, Israel.

That’s the context in which these horrors from the West Bank and Gaza are taking place. For as much pain and death the oppressors bring upon the people of Palestine, it’s the Palestinians who the future belongs to. It’s their nation that’s going to have a thriving place within the new world which will replace the imperialist order. As the establishment of a Palestinian state gets closer, we Marxists in the empire’s core must understand what this will mean. We need to unify with all the globe’s anti-imperialist forces, because that’s the only way our movement will be able to join with Palestine in constructing this great future.

As Zionism continues to collapse, and the day that a Palestinian state gets established becomes closer, communists are increasingly being tested over whether they’ll recognize this reality. Like how you can’t support Palestine while condemning Hamas, you can’t back the project of Palestinian statehood while opposing multipolarity. It’s China, Russia, BRICS, and the other forces within the emerging non-monopolist economy that are making this outcome possible. It’s the PRC that’s facilitated the Beijing Declaration, the agreement of peace and unity between the different Palestinian political factions. And following this achievement, Palestine’s ambassador has announced a plan to apply for membership within BRICS. China has also sided with Iran, while Russia and Iran have been assisting each other militarily. With Iran backing Hezbollah, the ties between these countries and Zionism’s most direct enemies are clear.

Essentially everyone who calls themselves a leftist says they’re in solidarity with Palestine. Yet the main parts of the left within the core imperialist countries ignore the implications of these facts about how Palestine is getting closer towards statehood. They deny how instrumental multipolarity is in bringing about this transition which can let Palestine rebuild and thrive.

This process of reclamation and justice will not be an easy one, because in both Palestine and all other fronts of imperialist warfare, the reactionaries intend to keep committing crimes for as long as they can. That’s why we need communists, and all others who are against this genocide, to be consistent in aiding all anti-imperialist efforts. Supporting Russia in its anti-fascist war is crucial to backing Palestine, both because solidarity with Donbass is morally correct and because these two things are part of the same great evil. 

The U.S. empire has engineered both atrocity campaigns, and is hoping that the ones who support the Palestinian people’s struggle will forsake the struggle of the Donbass people. It wants us to call Russia’s rescue effort in the Donbass an imperialist act, or to simply condemn it like how Palestine’s false allies condemn Hamas. It also hopes that we choose sectarianism over a united front, and let secondary issues deter us from building coalitions among anti-imperialist organizations. There are many more of these counter-hegemonic allies than the modern left admits, which is why as a Marxist I’ve felt the need to migrate out of leftism. The goal is not to please the left, but to do whatever is necessary for weakening the imperial structure. The ways the left has largely reacted to Gaza, embracing “lesser-evil” voting or adopting counterproductive adventurist tactics, further show why pan-leftism isn’t the right strategy.

The parts of the world that are behind Palestine will continue to make gains in this global anti-imperialist war, and they’ve adopted a highly intelligent fighting method. Both Russia and Iran have been waging their respective wars with patience. Russia’s method of fighting the Banderites has never been about flashy media victories at any cost, like is so often the case for how Ukraine fights. Now Kiev has revealed itself to be a paper tiger, launching an invasion that’s immediately unraveled. Iran is waiting so long to retaliate for the Zionist entity’s war crimes because it seeks to make “Israel” paralyzed with anticipation, instilling anxiety over the imminent strike and suffering even more economic harm. Iran has already shown it’s capable of deterring “Israel,” so it can afford to practice this restraint and thereby ensure its own stability. And because it will remain stable, it will continue to rise within the emerging Eurasia-centered economy. Russia, Iran, and those who fight alongside them have already won, so they don’t need to lash out in panic like their enemies are doing. 

The imperialists seek to instigate wars with China and Juche Korea next, but they can’t beat these countries either, and that gives us a better chance of preventing war in East Asia; the strategic balance has long shifted in the favor of the anti-imperialist states, so they could successfully deter future assaults. We within the USA’s antiwar movement will be there to hinder these aggressive maneuvers by our government. And should war break out in that part of the globe, communists will unapologetically side with the empire’s targets, like we’ve done with Palestine and Russia.


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