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167 posts
Anti-Leninism is the ideological core of the new cold war against China & Russia
Within the sphere of pro-imperialist thought, there are two types of views on the countries which challenge imperialism’s…
August 27, 2022
In Amerikkka, addressing the national question requires dismantling settler land relations
In The Foundations of Leninism, Stalin wrote that “Leninism brought the national question down from the lofty heights…
August 26, 2022
The system’s violence is what produces unrest, chaos, & crime
Lovers of “law and order” point to the crime within the George Floyd Square autonomous zone, and say…
August 21, 2022
Scientific socialism in the U.S. means properly combating imperialism & colonialism
Amerikkka is a beast that can only be defeated by correctly understanding how it operates, by examining what…
August 20, 2022
Existing socialism’s achievements disprove the idea that capitalism is immutable
The oppressors claim that oppression is an unavoidable aspect of human history. They say that today’s manifestations of…
August 14, 2022
The role of war within communism, & what it means for our conditions in the USA
Mao wrote that “We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war…
August 10, 2022
Kim Jong Il denounced libertarianism for a reason: it undermines the class struggle
Kim Jong Il wrote that “introducing individualism into socialism, which is based on collectivism, is tantamount to taking…
July 30, 2022