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173 posts
Our future was canceled. Yet from this could come the most radical revolution in history.
The reality we inhabit is one where for at least the last generation, the future has been cancelled.…
December 27, 2022
By hollowing out civilization, U.S. capital has cultivated the conditions for a civil conflict scenario
Capital has created the conditions for a revolutionary class confrontation, of the nature of civil conflict, within the…
December 23, 2022
The Houthi insurgency shows how Che Guevara’s military theory must be updated for the modern era
Since Che Guevara wrote Guerrilla Warfare, his findings on how an irregular army can wage war against a…
December 23, 2022
War propaganda, anti-communist orthodoxy, & the project to make counterrevolution’s victory permanent
The liberal view of world affairs is beset with an incurable contradiction: that liberalism claims to represent the…
December 16, 2022
Capitalist decay, the prospect of social upheaval, & the path to victory over the bourgeois state
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, workers don’t have to deal with petty tyrant managers who rewrite…
December 10, 2022
Neoliberalism won’t end with reforms. It will end with fascist crackdown, societal unraveling, & revolution.
In 1980, when neoliberal austerity was beginning to be implemented, Bank of America CEO Tom Clausen issued a…
December 5, 2022
The coming new wave of revolutions won’t have room for America’s imperialism-compatible “left”
There’s an incurable detachment between the reality of the global class struggle, and the illusory view of the…
November 30, 2022
Supporting Operation Z is a logical extension of Juche’s principled anti-imperialist stance
When Operation Z began, the DPRK’s foreign ministry published a commentary that in effect endorsed Russia’s decision to…
November 20, 2022
The next economic crisis, liberal fascism, & America’s ever-closer revolutionary moment
Will this next “recession”—which is truly going to be a depression of potentially unprecedented proportions—become the crisis that…
November 14, 2022
Against social pacifism: why Operation Z is the death catalyst for imperialism that deserves our support
Lenin informed us how we must view Russia’s Operation Z. He wrote that “One of the forms of…
November 12, 2022