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167 posts
The pro-Operation Z movement is linked with the movement towards a socialist American re-industrialization
When the imperial hegemon decided to escalate the new cold war by provoking Russia into intervening, it accelerated…
August 1, 2023
The left doesn’t own the antiwar movement, and communists must accept this in order to be effective anti-imperialists
To say that the left lacks ownership over the modern antiwar movement isn’t even to make an ideological…
July 28, 2023
U.S. communists must choose: build an anti-imperialist united front, or align with the insular modern “left”
The strategy of the united front has always been instrumental to the task of winning power, and has…
July 27, 2023
Pitting social justice against anti-imperialism: the destructive new cold war psyop being directed at the left
The story of the anti-revolutionary phenomenon known as the “ultra-lefts” is a psychological story. A story about minds…
July 25, 2023
How to help end western Marxism’s purity fetish? Join the anti-NATO coalition the Ukraine proxy war has produced.
Biden’s proxy war in Ukraine has exposed the problem that Carlos Garrido analyzes in his book The Purity…
July 22, 2023
By embracing degrowth, America’s “left” has discarded the lessons from existing socialism
“With the great support of the Soviet Union, and our own greatest strength, we will realize the industrialization…
July 18, 2023
CPUSA front group sues Amazon labor union, harming the class struggle at a critical moment
If the left opportunist groups can’t dominate organizing spaces, or manage the discourse, they’ll use the limitless resources…
July 12, 2023
I was wrong: the “internal colony” theory about Black Americans isn’t revolutionary, it’s a distraction from the solution
Above: Henry Winston speaking in center of the image I’ve been wrong to promote the idea that Black…
July 8, 2023
The American “left” supporting Ukrainian Nazis has proven social fascist theory right
If the social democrats were willing to contribute to the anti-imperialist struggle, like libertarians are, we Marxists would…
July 5, 2023
“Marxists” who vilify the people for having contradictions will never win the people
I recently found out that a statistic I’ve been using to support my arguments about how much the…
June 28, 2023