Why the neocons have overwhelmingly endorsed Harris, & what they’re willing to do to make sure she “wins”

Given how almost all of Trump’s foreign policies pleased the neocons, with Trump having murdered Soleimani, struck Syria, and massively furthered cold war escalations, you might assume the ratio of neocons who support the two candidates would be more even. Surely Trump would at least have a solid amount of neocons backing him; for essentially all the neocon political actors to come together behind one candidate, like they’ve done for Harris, is peculiar. The divisions in our ruling class have gotten big enough that from the perspective of the new cold warriors, there are genuine stakes within this election. It’s clear that they’re truly anxious to make sure Harris wins. And this concern comes from a worry about failing to fulfill their next foreign policy goals.

We’ve seen the neocons consolidate their narrative power, and fully unite into a coalition with the Democrat “progressives,” because the foreign policy wing which Trump represents is seen by them as an inadequate leadership source. It’s not enough for them that Trump is anti-China, pro-Zionist, and willing to go along with the anti-Russia schemes; the empire managers need a president that will also escalate in Korea, which is pivotal to the fulfillment of all other imperialist war designs. Trump aims to restart diplomacy with the DPRK, while Harris has repeated every anti-DPRK statement that her handlers have written. This makes Harris the more reliable puppet.

Or at least Korea is part of the reason why the neocons have collectively made this decision. I think that when Dick Cheney and the other former Republican officials who support Harris say they’re worried Trump threatens our “democracy,” it’s a cover for how they want Harris to carry out an actual anti-democratic coup. The dominant wing of our ruling class sees it as an urgent task to crush dissent; to neutralize opposition towards the war drive in east Asia, and the planned new wave of color revolutions. Since the empire started the new cold war, there’s been a rise in proto anti-imperialist mass consciousness, one created by our era’s economic decline. The conservative base has undergone a political reorientation, with the bulk of opposition towards war in Syria coming from MAGA supporters. If Trump is kept out of office, he’ll be unable to fail his mandate for ending the wars and draining the swamp, and the myth of MAGA being anti-establishment will get strengthened. The effort to install Harris is in part about keeping MAGA alive, and thereby keeping the masses invested in a false solution.

This is the opportunity for inflaming the culture wars that a Harris win would create. Trump having the election rigged against him would provoke a new wave of right-wing outrage, reaffirming the belief that MAGA is what can save our society. The feds will then send agent provocateurs into the pro-Trump protests, giving the state an excuse to take away more civil liberties. The empire managers hope for this election to reorient the discourse back towards partisan, culture war conflicts, distracting from our recent national conversations about needing to improve people’s lives. They want us to stop talking about the inflation crisis, or the other materially relevant issues, and instead focus on the left-right battles. 

These discourse psyops they’re orchestrating will partially work, but there are also many signs that their plans are going to be frustrated. Which means we can expect the neocons, and the intelligence forces that align with them, to act out in more aggressive ways.

The FBI just had its scheme to criminalize anti-imperialist solidarity work backfire. That’s the essence of what happened during last week’s trial for the African People’s Socialist Party, even though the fight against this persecution campaign isn’t over. The jury found the accused not guilty on the charge of acting as unregistered foreign agents for Russia; which sets a precedent that could protect people who get accused of such things in the future. The thing they got convicted of was “conspiracy to defraud the United States,” which was a verdict that had no basis in fact and got reached through FBI intimidation of the jury members. So the Uhuru org will almost definitely win its appeal (though this could take years, and we’ll need to mobilize towards keeping the accused out of jail). Because the campaign to purge dissent has experienced this setback, the empire’s effort to police the discourse is now at greater risk. 

The main tool the pro-Harris oligarchs are using to try to rig the election is Google; they’re manipulating the algorithms to target swing voters, and convince them to vote Harris through narratives like “Trump is a new Hitler.” Will this tool succeed at making Harris “win?” We have yet to see. Even if it does, though, the broader balance of forces could soon come to be in the anti-imperialist struggle’s favor. 

As the FBI has failed to set its desired precedent through the Uhuru case, the popular masses have continued to react to the decline in living standards, and many have identified the wars as being part of the problem. The global anti-imperialist forces have kept making gains; the Houthis and Hezbollah keep advancing against the Zionist entity, while China has helped ensure Palestine will go forward with internal unity. BRICS keeps expanding, and Palestine will now join with it. Some of Washington’s traditionally most reliable puppets, namely south Korea, have started coming into conflict with the USA. The more the Eurasian economic center rises, the more threatened the neo-colonial extractive system gets, and Washington’s Ukraine proxy war has utterly failed to reverse this process. History is going in the opposite direction that the neocons want it to. That’s why the neocon-adjacent part of the ruling class is now going on the offensive domestically, waging war against all which could endanger the next global attack plans.

This effort to destabilize the United States gets more intense each day. Just a couple days ago, I speculated that the deep state probably wouldn’t try to assassinate Trump again, because I imagined it would think that looks too suspicious. But I underestimated how desperate these forces are, because this afternoon another assassination attempt happened; it was a shooting at Trump’s golf course.

A bullet didn’t hit him this time, likely because Trump’s team overhauled their entre old Secret Service crew in response to the last attempt. And given this improvement, it’s now less likely that any future attempts will succeed either. So my prediction is that the next things the deep state does will be mobilizing the “counter-gangs”; the paramilitary forces which counterinsurgencies can use to attack by proxy. The Harris wing intends to use these kinds of ultraviolent groups, both right-wing and left-wing, to create chaos. The goals of this manufactured political violence will be to justify repression, inflame the culture wars, and terrorize dissidents. Amid the Uhuru trial’s outcome and the second failed assassination, activating their shock troops is the logical thing for these deep state actors to do.


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